Haraldscan v0.4 - Bluetooth discovery scanning

Добавлен ключ -U возможность обновления MACLIST'а до самой последней версии. Добавлено GPLv3 надлежащее уведомление и лицензии Исправлены другие мелкие ошибки (в основном, не заметные для пользователей)

OS X версии пока нет.
Haraldscan The bluetooth discovery scanner updated to version 0.3
The scanner will be able to determine Major and Minor device class of device, as well as attempt to resolve the device’s MAC address to the largest known Bluetooth MAC address Vendor list

The goal of this project is to obtain as many MAC addresses mapped to device vendors as possible.


There is very little error handling right now. Submit any issues you come across.

Mac OS X Testing Version. MACLIST is using IEEE OUI Naming for Vendors. It also Contains 223 Entries. Interface Now shows How many devices discovered. -s and "Unkown" mac Services scans are only done once instead of continual.